Penn Medicine
Penn Medicine BioBank
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Penn Medicine BioBank Participant Profile

The Penn Medicine BioBank (PMBB) is proud to announce that we currently have over 250,000 participants. Our PMBB participants, like you, represent a diverse range of demographics (e.g. age, sex). A large and diverse biobank lets researchers study patterns in health and disease across groups of people. The larger and more diverse a biobank is, the more useful it is to researchers.

With over a quarter million participants, the PMBB is one of the largest biobanks in the world. Our participants span different racial and ethnic groups, ages, and genders.

Age Distribution
Race Distribution

How Penn Medicine BioBank has grown

If you joined us prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, you may have spoken to our staff members in a waiting room before an appointment and filled out a paper consent form.

At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, we quickly transitioned to support COVID-19 research operations. To keep our patients and staff safe and minimize in-person interactions, we created an electronic consent procedure. So if you joined us more recently, you might have consented electronically through myPennMedicine, or in person at the registration desk at a clinic appointment.

Combined with clinical data, samples from PMBB participants help our researchers learn more about how diseases occur and how to treat them. If you are one of our current participants, thank you for being one of our partners in making breathtaking discoveries in medicine. We invite you to give us a sample today by contacting us.

Registration by Type

Cumulative counts of signups

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